Author: Cristian Barbarino

Thailand, Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai. Chiang Mai, a famous city in Thailand both for being Thailand's second largest city after Bangkok and because it is popular with digital nomads. In fact, this is precisely the reason that prompted me to Nord....

Thailand, destination Bangkok. Bangkok's welcome is warm-very warm! The majesty of the buildings nestled in downtown set the stage for a night when I should have made a plan of action for the next few days. It is the dawn of a new day among the skyscrapers of this capital city, and I choose...

Japan, destination Tokyo. Spending Christmas in Tokyo was definitely a great idea, because this city can give so many good memories. In fact, arriving in the late afternoon, I head to the hotel in the Asakusa area and immediately get catapulted back in time seeing the district's main entrance, the...

Istanbul. Turkey. The meeting of East and West, yesterday as well as today! I think one of the cities that has impressed me the most so far. As soon as I arrived I was literally amazed by the feelings this city evokes. Immediately I hear the characteristic song of the muezzin calling the faithful to prayer and already the atmosphere...

Europe, Germany. Berlin is completely different from other European capitals! Majestic buildings and wide boulevards typical of imperial cities do not lend fairy-tale notes to this city. On the contrary, it is rather spartan aesthetically: the Brandenburg Gate is imposing and conveys austerity, as well as...

Indonesia, destination Bali Island. It all started with the desire to visit this beautiful island. However, before arriving I allowed myself to make stops in two other states such as Malaysia and Singapore. The arrival at Denpasar airport is just a short walk from the sea....

Indonesia, destination Java Island. AirAsia, that's the name of the "low-cost" airline that allows me to do all domestic inter-island travel. From Singapore, I take a flight to Yogiakarta (in Java Island) where one of the many reasons for which...

Singapore, destination Singapore. Five-hour bus ride, straight from Malaysia, customs, passport control -- and now, welcome to one of the safest cities in the world. Sing, Sing...

Malaysia, destination Kuala Lumpur. "Every time I leave, it's like Christmas Day for a child unwrapping presents!" Malaysia is not scheduled among the various stops but, since the destination of my Southeast Asian tour is Bali (Indonesia) one of the air connections...