Indonesia, between temples and spirituality


Indonesia, between temples and spirituality


Indonesia, destination Java Island.

AirAsia, this is the name of the "low-cost" airline that allows me to do all the internal travel between the islands. From Singapore I take a flight to Yogiakarta (on the Island of Java) where one of the many reasons I chose Indonesia awaits me--the most famous Buddhist and Hindu temples in this extraordinary land.

Everything begins to change: sounds, smells and emotions. The environment around me is much poorer, yet it boasts a spiritual richness compared to the places I come from (Malaysia e Singapore).


As soon as I land I immediately become friends with a driver, who serves as my transfer for the 2 days spent in the area. Here, as in all of Indonesia it is essential to have friends to drive you around, otherwise the tourist becomes a golden goose for all the taxi drivers!
The ride from the airport is short, about 20 minutes, and I arrive at the first stop: the Hindu temple of Prambanam. Historical relics, stones and imposing structures are presented in all their majesty. Now I understand, that Yes, I arrived in Indonesia at last!

Here, too, the sweltering heat and the grandeur of this archaeological area overwhelm me for a moment. I then decide to visit the area and realize that I feel heavy energy sensations at times-it must be that it is a place with still a very high rate of "ancient remains."

"The longest journey is the inner journey" (Hammarskjold).

borobudur giava motivandome

With the first leg over, it is time to head to the resort in Borobudur, where I will spend the next few days.
The very friendly staff (as in all Indonesian culture) immediately made me feel at home and explained what I could do in the days to follow.
My interest was only one, the Buddhist temple in Borobudur (UNESCO World Heritage Site).
"Good!" - They exclaim - "then we suggest you see it at 4:30 in the morning, it is the most beautiful time!".... After a few seconds of resistance I say "OK, I will!".
After all, I had come here for this!

4 o'clock, so late night (or early morning), the humidity is through the roof, and a staff guy was already outside waiting for me with a moped, ready to speed through the jungle and take me to the main entrance of the temple.

Here we are at last, begin the walk inside this archaeological site surrounded by nature, and all of a sudden here comes this sort of mammoth pyramid full of statues.
A lump in the throat, the heartbeat rising and the urge to get to the top is so strong!


The energy is visible almost to the naked eye-so beautiful is it all that I decide to stay 4 hours.
It can be said that this is one of the most magical moments ever experienced? Yes, you can say that very well!
Unfortunately, this day is also coming to an end, which between a meditation and a few laps up and down, have made me feel HERE and NOW More aligned than ever with everything around me.
Return to base (the resort within walking distance of the temple) for the last night on Java Island.

5:05 a.m. -- Good morning World! 
The peace, nature, sounds and surreal atmosphere still echo in the air that it is already time to take a new aero--it is time to set course on the island of Bali, the final stop on my tour of Southeast Asia.
Thank you Borobudur, Thank you Java Island... see you soon!


  • better not to get expectations, everything becomes more magical
  • each country has different sounds and smells 
  • build friendships anywhere in the world
  • Today you are there tomorrow you don't know.... carpe diem!
  • if one thing you can do today, don't put it off until tomorrow.
  • find yourself and you will have found a new world

    "May our journeys of exploration never end" (Paul Wuhr).


Cristian Barbarino