
Personal growth always starts with you and especially with the place where you have chosen to live. According to Feng Shui, this ancient Eastern art, the furnishings and colors chosen for a home should create harmony between the interior and exterior, since that is precisely the goal, which is to create balance between...

The importance of herbs and nature Perhaps something in society is finally changing, as more and more useful information is being found on how to heal physical ailments with natural remedies and ways to incorporate what Mother Nature offers us into our diet, which is the way...

What is Reiki? Reiki is a simple, immediate method of channeling pure energy to nourish the body and spirit of the recipient by initiating and supporting him or her on a path of spiritual growth and evolution. It restores balance and harmony in the body, mind,...

Do you meditate? I do. The meaning of the word meditate is "to make careful reflection on an issue, problem, idea, etc., for the purpose of understanding them well," so it is a natural attitude for humans to include meditation to examine problems and seek solutions. What is more, that this practice...

Tell me how you eat and I will tell you who you are. When people talk about food, they immediately think about the calories ingested, the diet to start on Monday, etc....But it is not only calories that determine whether we are healthy or not. In fact, eating mindfully has a...

How do I feel right now? How do I feel right now? I came to the world of Bach Flowers through people close to me who use them, and I never thought I would discover a magical world in its simplicity and philosophy. The Bach Flowers are 38...

Metamedicine and Natural Remedies Speaking of mental and physical well-being-what is your relationship with your body and medications? You often don't realize that when you are not acting for your highest good your body is the first to give you strong signals and...