Reiki is Love 霊気

Reiki is Love 霊気

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a simple, immediate method of channeling pure energy to nourish the body and spirit of the recipient by initiating and supporting him or her on a path of spiritual growth and evolution. It restores balance and harmony in body, mind, emotions and spirit. Reiki gives support and in turn is supported by other therapies: homeopathy, acupuncture, shiatsu, etc., but above all, in our experience, it integrates very well with meditation.
The Reiki that is routinely found around (at least in Italy) is part of the Usui (founder's) method, however over the years it has become more valuable and the Universal Reiki (what I do) that combines all the teachings handed down over the years from the Usui, Karuna and Tibetan systems.

How can I change my life if I don't change my habits?

I continued to be attracted to quantum physics, the universe and everything that was considered NOT VISIBLE to human eyes. I really enjoy stargazing and looking up at the stars, knowing that that is where we are coming from...a feeling of change was coming, certain that before long, I was going to do something that would undoubtedly change my life.

On a cold October Sunday in 2009, the encounter with my spiritual awakening was born, the first approach toward the Reiki (Rei = Universal Force + Ki = Inner Energy) and a whole host of Eastern philosophies of inner awareness. From that day my whole life changed dramatically-so much so that I went to Tokyo in 2015 to retrace Usui's ways and see his memorial (see cover photo).

Reiki is Love and as such can do nothing but good. Over time I understand that indeed many personal problems, emotional and otherwise, can be cured, that Reiki is used in hospitals, as an alternative medicine, and that above all it is one of those values that helps me regain inner balance when I happen to be head over heels (very frequent).

Reiki possesses some principles and values With which I live my daily life. One of these is my favorite is "just for today, be thankful.".


If someday you decide to start any energy balancing path such as. Reiki, Yoga, Qi Gong, Shiatsu or the Bach flowers, know that you will only be doing yourself a favor and subsequently to others.

Good Life!

Cristian Barbarino