The richness of a journey

The richness of a journey


The journey is one of the ways in which people can approach personal growth, it is one of the ways in which we can grow humanly, culturally and psychologically. 

We are aware that this is one of the topics that everyone generally agrees on the idea of enrichment, but we are equally aware that we often take a limiting view toward these kinds of experiences. Because we always choose the same destinations, because we always choose the same types of experiences, or even because we limit ourselves with the idea of the money needed. 

It is in this spirit that tonight we will address the journey and our beliefs about it with an emphasis on the beliefs that lead us toward some experiences rather than others, considering that  

"As you do the SMALL things in your life, so you do the BIG things." 

T Harv Eker 

Often our society leads us to think that wealth is only material, something tangible, that only work can give, in terms of money. 

So much so that Wikipedia defines RICH: as the condition of economic ease, typically related to the wide availability of material goods and money. Wealth is called to measure the economic well-being of a physical (individuals, households, etc.) or intangible (corporation, enterprise, state, etc.) subject and is a parameter used in economics that estimates the amount of tangible and intangible assets in the subject's full disposal that have market value and are capable of producing income. 

It would be helpful to begin to understand that wealth is a state of being, a way of life, an abundance that begins from within and expands outward.  

The Universe is so rich and abundant that prosperity is a precious commodity from which we can all draw. 

In particular, Western society pushes the normality of the existence of a gap between many people who are "poor" in terms of money and a few people who are "rich" economically.  

There are so many proverbs, sayings, common thoughts that we carry with us from childhood in these terms that we could spend the whole evening on them:  

- "without money you can't sing mass"
- "he who has money has what he wants."
- there is crisis,
- To get money one has to work hard,
- you have to save money...

We talk about TRAVEL because there is infinite richness in travel as well. 
As we travel often, we realize that wealth is also something intangible, starting from within ourselves. 
Thus, wealth can also come from thinking you are rich but on a practical level not being rich at all. 
In this case behaving "as if we were" can make all the difference.  

For example: 
- imagining, for example, building the trip we want to take in great detail, or
- remembering how HEPBURN behaved when, in the movie, Breakfast at Tiffany's had breakfast in front of the storefronts 
- take a simple walk in rich places imagining that they are (rich): via Montenapoleone, Via Della Spiga, ...
- Have even just a coffee in the most in...

Whether we like it or not, the result of what we are on the outer level is the fruit of what we have thought. 

This is in all areas of our lives, especially when it comes to wealth and abundance, as these are the areas of life most visible to the outside world.  

On a scale of priorities, the general thinking is that "with money you can do anything," or otherwise that "without money" you do nothing." 

But there are other factors on a scale of importance that group the expanded concept of wealth-both material and inner, such as values, my roots, family, love, friends, etc. 

With this perspective you can surely see how much prosperity and abundance there is beyond what we believe to be "wealth." 

How many times have we heard, I have said: 

"I can't travel because I don't have the money"? 

This is a classic example of what are called LIMITING CREDITS. 

"Limiting" beliefs, the word itself says, are personal beliefs that limit our potential.  

Since all of our actions are the result of our beliefs, it will be helpful to think that if we want real changes in our lives, we will have to begin to CHANGE our beliefs by changing them to an abundance perspective. 

There is a substantial difference that passes between those who think they are going to do something and those who actually accomplish it, and it lies in actually experiencing it. 

Can one travel the world and then realize that one has never gone on a trip to Milan Cathedral or seen the wonderful places around us, especially for us Italians? (e.g. Venice, Rome...) 

There are people who have traveled while sitting in front of a computer on television.

They probably never asked themselves. "how can I make this trip?" Or they did not take action. 

If you want to make a difference in your life, regardless of a journey, get used to making decisions and acting on them. 

There will be no "right" or "wrong" decisions, they will still be CORRECT DECISIONS, because only with time will you understand that behind a "trivial" decision you have given a new path to your life.

Cristian Barbarino