Mens sana in corpore sano

Mens sana in corpore sano

Tell me how you eat and I will tell you who you are.

When people talk about food, they immediately think of calories ingested, diet to start on Monday, etc....But it is not only calories that determine whether we are healthy or not. On the contrary, eating mindfully has a very big impact on various aspects of life on planet Earth.

The quality of the food. The food we ingest determines our health by having a very strong preventive power of many diseases. With healthy food we stay healthy, which is why we need to pay close attention to it in terms of frequency and duration of meals. In this fast-paced society, meals are too often sacrificed or eaten in bulk in front of the computer or even in the car while driving. Taking the words of Prof. Berrino - a physician and epidemiologist, Director of the Department of Preventive and Predictive Medicine, IRCCS Foundation, Milan - "I know that it is not possible to disengage from the logics that modern life imposes on us," Berrino advises, "but we just need to reflect on what we put inside us. For example, we should not eat only sterile food, but strive to recover the simplicity of our food. People are afraid to waste time, however, this way we can regain serenity, a factor that in itself changes the expression of our genes" (taken from interview

So particular emphasis should then be placed on what we eat. Very often it is poor quality foods, convenience foods or even so-called "junk food," made with ingredients such that they are addictive and push us to consume more of them. Not to mention that we have become disaccustomed to the taste of authentic foods and have more intolerances and problems with the 'assimilation of foods.

Responsibility to the environment, animals, neighbors. Choosing food at the supermarket is a responsible act toward the environment and how animals are treated. In this regard, I want to mention the fantastic project of Relovution, a soon-to-be-released documentary film that addresses health issues arising from meat consumption and the living conditions of farm animals as well as the global implications of food choices.

This is not meant to point the finger at anyone but invites us to reflect on our role in the world... Because as usual, change starts with us!

Mensa sana in corpore sano

Cristian Barbarino