Choose the way of the heart

Choose the way of the heart

Ask yourself a question: are the choices you have made so far with reason right for you?

We have certainly made right and wrong choices in life but too many times we shut up our intuition. Try to think of all the times you have been guided by something coming from within you, pushing you forcefully toward a direction (having a crazy idea running through your head, having a hunch about a situation...). This guidance, which is nothing but the voice of the heart, is always present within you but it is up to you whether you listen to it or not. It is often a risk to listen to that voice because it does not lead toward certainty, which the rational mind provides us with instead. The latter tells you about responsibility and arithmetic assessments between costs and benefits; the heart tells you about you.
I still remember when I booked my trip to Indonesia. Something was telling me to go there. And right there a little later I met my current partners in the company we founded in Singapore.
Let go to your intuition, to what comes from within you instead of following the masses "because if others do it, it will be right." Let go to this magical dimension of your Being and you will find yourself much wiser and stronger than you think.

If there is a choice to be made between mind and heart, remember that the heart is always right, because the mind was created by society. It is a product of education. It was given to you by society, not by existence. The heart is untouched. (Osho)

Cristian Barbarino