Phase of Change

Phase of Change

Phase of Change

Life goes by quietly, and you continue your daily routine at the work place under your house even though the days are the same and you feel apathetic, or maybe you get up cursing your alarm clock every morning, or maybe you repeat to yourself every day how many advantages  stemming from working in the family business even though, you know, you wanted to be a marine biologist. Many are the realities we come from, but when change is triggered within us, the direction is only one: get out of the matrix, get out of the system.

This means seeing the surrounding reality differently simply because your inner world has changed. But what does it mean to change? In a practical sense, when it triggers that spring whereby you are no longer okay with surviving and not comparing yourself to others because you are your own yardstick.

Many of the people who used to be your weekend friends now don't seem so friendly to you because they don't understand your dream, they just see you going out less frequently because you've become fixated on certain ideas. And you, on the other hand, feel the need to surround yourself with people who understand and support you.

It also happens that justifying the comfort of the place where you work, and the certainty of the salary to buy that or the other are no longer enough to give you a smile.

You have noticed that until recently you used to get angry when you learned about unfair and sad news events. Now you pause to reflect on positive ideas that could replace those scenarios, aware that your inner dullness goes a long way toward contributing to the spread of negative energies.

Similarly, you have realized that always complaining about the economic crisis does not benefit you or others; in fact, it is much better to think of all possibilities to remedy the situation.

Quickly you come to terms with a whole series of values that you thought were the pillars of your life and instead now no longer represent you and crumble before your eyes like a sand castle. Why were there no landmarks in that list such as creativity, dreams to be fulfilled, soul expression? If life is now, what is the point of putting off happiness to an eternal tomorrow? Once this is understood, it is difficult to pretend nothing is wrong and continue on the old path as if nothing is wrong. As if a force within you is stepping forward to come out and manifest its power.

I think the first feelings are to feel shaken and also to feel a sense of suffocation because you need new air. Redesigning goals and making them doable is an uphill road but the goal to achieve is too important and the idea of not trying is heartbreaking.

So have courage and determination and be aware that you are not alone. There are now many of us who want a world outside the system!

Cristian Barbarino